
Vaša prijava

Multiculturalism - a video interview with London

On February 22nd we got a chance to meet three young people who live and work in London. Sven, a man from Croatia, and a friend of our teacher, agreed to talk to us over Skype, along with two of his co-workers, Jeremy from France, and Ayanna from the USA. In the short video call we learned a lot about them as well as life in London in general. It was interesting, talking to people who went through a great change, leaving their country and adapting to a different culture and lifestyle. They were really friendly and we got a great inside look into their life.

The thing we liked the most was  using technology to connect to people and learn a lot about a new culture and all-around change. We all agree that using languages in this way helped us a lot and we would like to do more of the similar stuff in the future. This way we would like to thank Sven, Ayanna and Jeremy and we hope to hear from them again.

Ema Barišić, 3.c