Ivan Barišić – ITU Level 1 Club Coaches Course
Dragi svi, nakon trodnevnog tečaja u Medulinu, održanog u studenom, naš član i trener Ivan Barišić certificirao se je kao ITU trener razine 1.
Dragi Ivane, mi se također pridružujemo čestitkama međunarodnog triathlon saveza na sudjelovanju ITU Level 1 tečaju u Medulinu, a pogotovo na uspješnom polaganju certifikata.
Dear Ivan BARIŠIĆ,
Congratulations on completing the ITU Level 1 Club Coaches Course in Medulin, Croatia. You are now an ITU Certified Level 1 Coach.
Thank you for taking the time to complete the course work and for all the work you are doing in triathlon. Your development work and coaching is of great benefit to the athletes and coaches.
Your certification is valid for four years.
The future is very exciting in our sport with endless possibilities to the lives we can touch in positive ways.
Congratulations and all the best to you,
Zita Csovelyak | Senior Manager – ITU Development
International Triathlon Union (ITU) | #221, 998 Harbourside Dr. |North Vancouver, BC | Canada V7P 3T2